AyuVigo is a proven herbal tonic that help rejuvenates the system, enhances immunity and improves vitality.

AyuVigo is an herbal tonic that is safe and effective for men that help improves general metabolic activity, ensures normal sleep, relieves age-related symptoms and promotes vitality.

Tonic for men
The benefits of AyuVigo:

* Promotes strength and vigor
* Helps in general weakness
* Helps in debility, ageing and stress induced disorders
* Improves resistance against infection



AyuVita is an herbal tonic that is safe and gentle, which is specially formulated for women. It improves general metabolic activity, helps relief in genitourinary disorder, provides resistance against infections, enhances beauty and improves vitality.

Tonic for women.
The benefits of AyuVita:

* Promotes strength and vigor
* Helps delay ageing process
* Helps in general weakness
* Helps in debility, ageing and stress induced disorders
* Improves resistance against infections
* Helps in genitourinary diseases, hemorrhagic and leucorrhoea



AyuLax is an herbal combination that acts to flush the bowel, relieving the person of constipation. It flushes and cleanses the stomach of unwanted elements besides relieving flatulence and colic.

The Ayurvedic system plays an important role in relieving the bowel on a daily basis. Constipation occurs due to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty in passing stools.

For constipation
The benefits of AyuLax:

* Relieves constipation
* Allows smooth passage of stool
* Relieves flatulence and colic
* Helps digestive system
* Keeps gas formation in check

Dietary Advice : Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grain, cereals and water in your diet



AyuRin is an herbal combination that is highly recommended to remove the build-up of toxins in the body due to metabolism of natural chemicals in the urinary tract.

For urinary tract disorder
The main function of the urinary tract is to remove water and waste matter and excrete them as urine. Urinary tract disorder occurs when any organs of the urinary tract – kidneys, urinary bladder or urethra becomes infected or injured thereby affecting the biochemistry of the blood stream.

The benefits of AyuRin:

* Improves diuretic activity
* Functions as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent
* Increases the flow of urine and speeds up excretion process

Dietary Advice : Avoid fluids that may irritate the bladder such as alcohol, citrus juices and caffeine. Also avoid a high calorie diet, oily, spicy and fried food. Urinating immediately after sexual intercourse may help flush out bacteria that may have been released during intercourse.



AyuLite is a liver tonic that tones and helps strengthen the function of the liver for better absorption and body detoxification.

Liver Tonic.
The liver is the gateway or filter between all the cells inside the body and all manner of toxins inside and outside the body. Alcohol, tobacco, pesticides, pollution and stress can overload the liver and block absorption causing liver disorder.

To enhance the function of the liver, herbs play a significant role. This is one area of therapy where natural herbs could be of vital assistance.

The benefits of AyuLite:

* Enhances the function of the liver
* Clean and detoxify the body
* Strengthens liver function for better absorption
* Stimulates appetite

Dietary Advice : For maximum benefit, avoid fried, spicy, oily food and alcohol. Fruits such as pineapple, grapefruit, celery and oranges are recommended.



AyuRhoids is an herbal combination that helps to provide prompt relief in piles-hemorrhoids. It also helps to relieve bleeding, assists digestion and helps to reduce constipation.

For anal discomfort
Piles are condition in which a fleshy swelling of variable size, shape and color appears (due to varicosity of veins) in the anus. Piles are divided into two groups, piles which do not bleed and piles in which the person suddenly passes streaks of bright red blood with or without stool. Obstruction to the passing of gases, discomfort and burning sensation particularly on defecation, diminished appetite and constipation are the general signs of piles.

The benefits of AyuRhoids:

* Provides prompt relief in hemorrhoids
* Helps to relieve bleeding
* Helps to relieve itching, burning and local discomfort
* Helps shrinkage of swollen tissue
* Provides cooling effect
* Assists digestion
* Helps to reduce gaseous emission
* Helps to reduce constipation

Dietary Advice : Avoid spicy food and alcohol. A regular intake of fluids with high fiber diet is recommended.



AyuDerme is an herbal combination that provides nourishment to the body by promoting healthy skin and treats a variety of skin problems, improves digestion, strengthens the liver and eliminate wastes and toxins from the colon and kidney.

For skin problems
Due to various causes, the blood becomes overloaded with toxins. The accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream makes it difficult for the sweat glands to function properly. This will result in common inflammatory skin conditions characterized by frequent episodes of redness, itching including thick, dry, silvery scales on the skin and superficial skin eruptions that are caused by blocked skin pores.

The benefits of AyuDerme:

* Alleviate skin allergies
* Clean and detoxify the body
* Provide astringent, antiseptic and anti- inflammatory properties
* Relieve itches and boils

Dietary Advice : Avoid sour, spicy, seafood and alcoholic drinks. Adequate intake of water is recommended.



AyuAsmo is an herbal combination that provides nutritional support for the respiratory system, neutralise and reject dust, pollen, pollutants and micro-organisms and keep them from harming the body's delicate tissues.

For respiratory discomfort and cough
Respiratory tract problems are due to prolonged or persistent condition of respiratory / breathing dysfunction that results in oxygenation of carbon dioxide eliminated at a rate that is insufficient to meet the demands of the body. If severe, it could impair the function of vital organs in our body.

The benefits of AyuAsmo:

* Helps to relieve mild cough
* Eases expectoration
* Clears respiratory congestion
* Restores normal breathing
* Soothes sore throat.

Dietary Advice : Avoid refrigerated food and drinks, fried, oily and spicy food, alcohol and smoking. Avoid exposure to cold wind and polluted atmosphere.



AyuBes is an herbal combination that is very effective in controlling and reducing high blood sugar. AyuBes helps to reduce blood sugar levels, bringing about a balance in the body’s metabolism and restoring healthy blood sugar levels.

For high blood sugar
High blood pressure is caused by decreased production of insulin, or by the lack of ability to use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to enable cells to able to utilize sugar in the blood. When we have high blood sugar, we pass sweet urine and our sugar levels in the blood rise considerably above the normal limits. It is acquired due to excess consumption of sweets, high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle.

The benefits of AyuBes:

* Helps reduce blood sugar levels
* Corrects the digestive system
* Helps increase stamina and improves vitality

Dietary Advice : Avoid high calorie diet or diet rich in carbohydrate and alcohol. Moderate walking exercise is a must. AyuLite helps as an adjuvant therapy along with AyuBes.



AyuArtis is an herbal combination that is designed to alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation of the joints. AyuArtis expel toxins and allergens that may contribute to inflammation and reduces excess fluid build-up.

For rheumatic discomfort
According to Ayurvedic principle, the cause is triggered by the body's failure to eliminate and excrete the acidic waste materials of body metabolism. When such deposits become lodged in the skeletal system, particularly in muscle fiber, it could leads to various type rheumatic discomforts.

The benefits of AyuArtis:

* Relieves joint discomfort
* Maintains joint mobility
* Reduces stiffness and improves functional capability

Dietary Advice : For maximum benefit, avoid sour, fermented and refrigerated food. Protect affected portion of body from cold wind and air conditioners.

Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Tea Detail

Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Tea

Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Tea is a truly unique beverage with a full range of health benefits that can be enjoyed both hot and cold as well as a refreshing drink on all occasion.

Golden Valley SOD High Grade Rooibos Teacontains S.O.D (Super Oxidant Dismutase) which acts as an anti-oxidant agent to keep free radicals in the body in check. If left unchecked, free radicals can initiate reactions that may cause cells to develop abnormalities. As an anti-oxidant, Rooibos scavenges on free radicals thereby preventing potential cell mutations or damage. Besides that, SOD also promotes healthy cell growth.

Rooibosis is also a superb thirst-quencher. Imported from South Africa , Rooibos makes an ideal drink, either hot or chilled on its own or sweetened with honey or sugar and with or without milk. On a hot day, Rooibos can also be mixed with fruit juice.

As Rooibos does not contain caffeine, it can be enjoyed in unlimited quantities for sportsmen. Its rich mineral contents – iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and sodium can help restore the body's equilibrium after a strenuous workout.

Rooibos is not only for drinking. In baking, Rooibos can be use to replace the liquid content of any recipe for added color and flavor. Rooibos also makes a superb base for soups, stews and sauces.



K-Liquid Organic Spirulina offers a balanced meal to adults and children as well as an energy booster that helps to provide athletes with energy and stamina. It can also help to cleanse our body’s internal organs and boosts our immune system.

K-Liquid Organic Spirulina is an amazing supplement for health, energy and vitality as spirulina contains at least 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, 4 important pigments, 14 essential and non-essential fatty acids and 18 essential and non-essential amino acids.

Why choose spirulina?

* Spirulina has an amazing high nutritional profile.
* Spirulina is a rich source of enzymes and is the best whole-food source of Gamma Linelonic Acid (GLA). GLA is known to stimulate growth, act as anti-inflammatory and alleviate arthritic symptoms.
* Spirulina is the richest whole food source of protein, containing up to 70% of the nutrient as compared to eggs (12%), soybeans (35%), beef (17%), dried skim milk (35%), peanuts (25%), grains (8-14%) and whole milk (3%).
* Spirulina is rich in beta carotene. Its beta carotene is 10 times higher than that of a carrot. Beta carotene has anti-oxidant properties and plays a role in preventing heart disease and cancer.
* Spirulina contains a whole spectrum of natural mixed carotene and xanthophylls phyto-pigments. Spirulina’s pigments include chlorophyll, carotenoids, phycocyanin and superoxide dismutase, while calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, mangananese, zinc, selenium, copper and chromium constitute its minerals content.
* K-Liquid Organic Spirulina is an effective energy booster and an ideal food supplement for people of all ages and lifestyles. It also cleanses our body’s internal organs and boosts our immune system.
* K-Liquid Organic Spirulina is derived from pure, unmodified and 100% natural organic spirulina. The organic spirulina is ecologically cultivated in the world’s largest spirulina farm in California , USA . The scientifically controlled cultivation spirulina is free from pesticides, herbicides and other impurities.



K-Liquid Chlorophyll is extracted from alfalfa, known for its highly valued nutrients. Alfalfa, also known as the “father of food” in Arabic due to its powerful healing properties is a natural source of nutrients that is used to cleanse, nourish and rejuvenate the body.

K-Liquid Chlorophyll’s three main benefits:

1. Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body.
2. Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our body.
3. Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count.

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is life’s natural elixir contained in the green pigment of plants. In the process known as “photosynthesis”, chlorophyll in green plants traps and stores the energy of sunlight, together with carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil to produce food. The energy is required to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose – the chief source of energy for living organisms.

Why choose Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Its roots grow deep into the soil to absorb minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and etc.

One table spoon of K-Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It is a natural source of nutrient that is vital in stimulating good health.

Fights Free Radicals to Reduce Wrinkles & Aging

The chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases in the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to ageing.

Chlorophyll is rich in:

Zinc –Zinc combines with vitamin A to promote good health
Selenium –Protects and energizes body cells
Vitamin E –Anti-ageing, nourishes skin and keeps the brain active
Vitamin C –Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties
Vitamin A –Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision.

Other nutrients include protein, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.

Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System

Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.

Blood Production Property

Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.

Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins

Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However, after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.

Reduces the Body’s Problems

Scientist Offen Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.

Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion

The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.



Organic K-Biogreen is a well-balanced and nutritious organic food source made from ingredients such as beans, grains, vegetables, seaweed, bifido-bacteria and food enzyme to cleanse and detoxify, rejuvenate and restore the healthy functions of the body.

The Organic K-BioGreen is an organic food that is specially made from 58 unique selected ingredients such as beans, grains, vegetables, seaweed and bifido-bacteria and food enzyme that play important roles in the human body to cleanse and detoxify, rejuvenate, restore the healthy functions of the vital organs and build immunity. When this product is ingested into the body, it provides a full range of necessary nutrients and is suitable for those who aim for healthy diet and body slimming.

It is a well-balanced nutritious food source with no additives and non-genetically modified, which is certified by AgriQuality in New Zealand. Once the organic product has been confirmed with organic standard and verified, the product is given a label and can be taken as assurance that the elements in the organic product have met the requirements from the farm to the market.

Organic K-BioGreen also does not contain any artificial flavors, coloring, antibiotic residues, growth promoters or preservatives. On the use of manure, organic farming has set some strict guidelines. Manure carries human pathogens, but if properly treated (composted) it becomes a safe form of organic fertilizer. Certified organic farmers are not allowed to use untreated manure less than 60 days before the crop harvest and it is inspected to ensure the requirements and restrictions are met.

Some believes that organic food tastes better than conventional food. In general or for health reasons, food usually tastes better when it is fresh.

Some of the benefits of Organic K-BioGreen:

1. Strengthens immune system
2. Strengthens endocrine system
3. Cleanses digestive system
4. Helps to reduce cholesterol
5. Helps to prevent heart disease
6. Helps to prevent cancer cells
7. Detoxifies body cells and blood vessels
8. Activates body cells
9. Promotes metabolism
10. Regulates internal organs
11. Reduces stress
12. Improves memory
13. Strengthens physical and mental conditions
14. Act as antioxidants
15. Provides vitamins, minerals and complete nutrients
16. Moisturizes skin and helps to prevent skin allergy
17. Organic fasting and body slimming
18. Restores natural beauty



Manufactured via modern pharmaceutical technology, K-Nature's Care E. Breviscapus Capsules utilizes the herb Erigeron Breviscapus to improve blood circulation and assists in the recurrence of stroke among sufferers.

K-Nature's Care E. Breviscapus Capsules’ main ingredient is from the herb Erigeron Breviscapus. Erigeron Breviscapus is a traditional Chinese herb found only in the Yunnan province of China and used to expel cold, induce sweat, relieve pain, relax the muscles, and stimulates blood circulation and was used as an efficacious secret recipe to treat hemiplegic paralysis, apoplexy and angina by the Dai tribe, some 1,000 years ago.

Regular intake of Erigeron Breviscapus has been clinically proven to improve blood circulation and greatly assists in the prevention of stroke because it:

* Helps to increase blood flow to the brain by decreasing the viscosity of the blood
* Helps to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier
* Helps to reduce the risk of hypertension and arteriosclerosis
* Helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
* Helps to support and maintain a healthy cerebral-vascular and cardiovascular system.



Riddance is aim to remove toxin from our internal organs and digestive system besides helping to filter and purify our blood circulation system.

The All Round Detoxifier

Riddance gives 4 major all-round detoxification actions:

* Purifies the blood
* Cleanses the digestive system
* Improves natural detoxification
* Regulates bodily functions

Traditionally used for the relief of body heat, flatulence and mild diarrhoea as well as internal detoxification.


Gamat Extract with Honey

Gamat Extract with Honey is a natural health supplement that contains a combination of natural minerals, purified gama-peptide complex, honey, vitamin B6, vitamin B1 and beta carotene to delay the process of ageing.

The Gamat Extract with Honey is a proven natural health supplement that can help to enhance the body’s immunity system, assists in healing minor cuts and wounds, regulates blood circulation and enhances our general well being.

It can also be used as a tonic for both men and women. The Gamat Extract with Honey is one of the most outstanding natural health supplements today and is also used to complement healing cuts, minor wounds and other health promoting activities.

GAMAT EXTRACT With Taurine Detail


Gamat Extract with Taurine is a unique supplement for the healing and health enhancement of skin complexion. The Gamat Extract is a quality product with proven superior efficacy of Jelly Gamat. It may be taken and used for daily consumption.

The Gamat Extract with Taurine contains a combination of natural minerals and purified gama-peptide complex known as Gamalin and minerals, vitamins and protein, which serves to control cholesterol level, rejuvenates ageing muscles, bones nerves and skin while giving a revitalizing effect on the body's immune system. It may also be used to compliment healing cuts, wounds and inflammation, to increase blood circulation, enhance the body's resistance and other health promoting effects.



Propolis Platinum is made of plant compounds, which possess high quality antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help stimulate white blood cells to improve the body’s immune system.

Propolis Platinum is a non-alcoholic liquid propolis from Brazil , which is renowned for producing the best green propolis in the world. The quality of propolis depends on its country origin. Different colors of propolis such as brown, yellow, green indicate its grades in quality. The best quality is the Brazilian green propolis, which has the richest plant life diversity in the world.

According to Dr. Kishita in his book entitled ‘The Wonder Treatment of Propolis’, an analysis on the propolis of various countries revealed that propolis from Brazil, especially from the resins of Eucalyptus is the best quality.

Collected by bees from the unpolluted Brazilian tropical rainforest, propolis is a natural resin produced by bees to strengthen and protect their hives from infections. Scientific research has showed that regular use of propolis helps to strengthen the body’s immune system and therefore plays an important role in our general well being.

Functions of Propolis Platinum

Propolis Platinum is rich in bioflavonoid content. Bioflavonoids stimulate white blood cells that help to improve the body’s immune system. The flavonoids contained in Propolis Platinum are plant compounds that have high quality antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Propolis Platinum

Propolis Platinum stimulates the production of antibodies that help strengthen the body’s immune system. Propolis Platinum helps to ease sore and irritated throats, fight gum and teeth disorders, helps to prevent cold, gastrointestinal infections and etc. It can also help to improve from respiratory problems and assists in healing minor wounds when applied orally.

K-OmegaSqua Detail


K-OmegaSqua is a supplement that is beneficial to our heart, blood vessel, skin and brain as it help enhances blood circulation, reduces fat formation, increase oxygen level in cells and act as antioxidant.

K-OmegaSqua consists of Omega 3 from Norwegian salmon, Squalene from shark’s liver oil that live in the Pacific Ocean and natural Vitamin E to improve the health of our heart, skin and brain.

Benefits of K-OmegaSqua:

* Helps to reduce cholesterol level and triglyceride in blood
* Helps to alleviate pain and inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, eczema and others
* Helps to enhance blood vessel and reduce high blood pressure to normal level
* Helps to prevent blockage in blood vessel
* Helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent bacteria infection
* Normalises heart beat rate to help prevent heart attack
* Improves our immune system
* Helps to prevent influenza and cough
* Helps to heal injury, acne and other skin problems quickly
* Helps to regenerate nerve cells for those suffering from diabetes and delay ageing process
* Helps to prevent asthma attack



K-OsteoCal powder contains a unique blend of organic calcium, marine collagen, multi-vitamins and multi-minerals. It is formulated as a readily available and well assimilated calcium and collagen source particularly recommended to people from all walks of life. In addition, this unique product also contains health-promoting ingredients that contribute to boosting your immune system and is particularly useful for health problems of bones.

Essential Role of Calcium and Collagen Towards Our Health

Regular intake of calcium and collagen everyday is the key to prevent and treat calcium and collagen deficiency. Calcium and collagen is essential in helping to build and strengthen our bones and fortified our tendons and cartilage respectively. As we age, we require calcium, collagen and certain minerals as supplements due to our imbalance diet and that our body can no longer produce enough quantities for the body to repair itself. As a consequence of this our body begins to deteriorate giving rise to health problems such as “brittle” bones and joints discomfort. It is vital to supplement food with calcium, collagen and minerals.
Why do we require Calcium and Collagen?


Calcium is found mostly in our bones. Our food intake provides us with calcium. Calcium provides nutrients for our heart to beat and muscles to function. Our bones are constantly eroded throughout our life and are replaced with new bone tissue. If our diet is calcium deficient, our calcium needs for proper body function is taken from the bones. Our bones will degenerate if calcium is not replaced and hence lead to health problems such as brittle bones or osteoporosis.


The cartilage between our joints is mostly made up of collagen. The cartilage acts as a cushion between our joints as we move. Having a healthy cartilage is important to ensure healthy joints where we can have unrestricted movements without discomfort.

Calcium from Seaweed

Over many years, people throughout the world have discovered and enjoyed the benefits of seaweed, either in food, health products or natural therapies. The seaweed is well known for its abundance source of calcium and other trace minerals which the body needs.

Seaweed is one of the richest plant sources of calcium. The calcium from K-OsteoCal is derived from seaweed harvested from the sea.
Why choose K-OsteoCal?

1. K-OsteoCal originates from seaweed that absorbs essential minerals and nutrients from the sea.
2. It contains a broad range of minerals and collagen that assist in developing bones, maintaining healthy joints and enhance calcium absorption.
3. It contains a high concentration of other Bone-Essential Minerals such as:
* Magnesium, which builds and strengthens the soft centre of the bones onto which minerals adhere to.
* It also contains Boron that helps to enhance calcium absorption.
* Together with Copper and Zinc, they play a role with Enzyme co-factors to build up and cell division of bones.
4. It has higher bioavailability and better calcium absorption than calcium carbonate and tricalcium phosphate.

Benefits of K-OsteoCal:

1. Helps to maintain strong bones and healthy teeth
2. Helps to decrease risk of bone loss and fractures
3. Helps to improve joint functions
4. Helps to lower risk of colon cance
5. Helps to monitor regular heart beat
6. Helps to alleviate insomnia
7. Helps to metabolise your body’s iron
8. Assisting nervous system, especially in impulse mission
9. Assists in weight management
10. Helps in preventing blood clot and helps in muscle contraction
11. Utilising amino acids as building blocks for all body protein
12. Assists in maintaining healthy joints


K-Sage Plus

K-SAGE PLUS is a premium quality herbal extract dietary supplement specially designed to help improve the function of the brain. K-SAGE PLUS is specially formulated to improve memory; promotes stress relief and having a calming effect to control anger.

K-SAGE PLUS helps to improve efficiency of brain activities and improves efficiency of work process. It also acts to improve the regulation of the central nervous and blood circulatory system. K-SAGE PLUS helps to boost the body’s immune system and helps to dilate the arteries to improve blood flow to the brain, heart and limbs. Sage is also credited to have memory retention properties.
Sage – Food for the Brain

Sage or often known by its scientific name – salvia is actually referring to the name of the mint family. There are many species of salvia and many of them have histories of medicinal uses. Sage has long been used in herbal medicine for a variety of purposes. Centuries-old theory that the herb sage can improve memory is now supported by modern research as it recently has demonstrated possible neural mechanisms which may be involved in salvia’s beneficial cognitive effects.

Experts believe the active ingredient may boost levels of a chemical that helps transmit messages in the brain. This is due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits mark salvia out as a potential treatment for the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Sage has also been incorporated with other selective herbal supplement to activate dormant brain cells, circulate blood in the human brain that generate our well being, clear our minds and relaxes our mind regardless of the pressures from our hectic daily life. K-SAGE PLUS is definitely the food for our brain.

K-SAGE PLUS benefits:

* Helps improve memory
* Helps reduce stress
* Helps to improve sleep
* Helps relax the brain from lethargy
* Helps to improve blood circulation
* Helps to promote alertness


1. Suitable for children, students, adults and the elderly to improve memory retention and alertness.
2. Help students and children to improve their memory retention, mental ability and learning capacity.


K-Sauda VCO

K-Sauda VCO is a unique combination of Virgin Coconut Oil, Habbatus Sauda Oil and vitamin E. It helps to increase the body’s immune system for our general well-being. The uniqueness of K-Sauda VCO is that it is processed using a special technique, therefore reducing the possibility of damaging its fatty acid. K-Sauda VCO is prepared in a soft capsule for easy consumption and not easily damaged or contaminated by air and bacteria.

Virgin Coconut Oil is derived from the flesh of young, freshly plucked coconut without using any added chemical substance in order to obtain the best level of oil content. Coconut oil is proven to possess the best nutritional content to enhance the body's metabolism and immune system. It contains many active ingredients that is beneficial to the body such as Middle Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA), monoglyceride, EPA and DHA.

MCFA is an expandable fatty acid and coconut oil is one of the many food sources that contain the richest MCFA. MCFA that is in pure coconut oil contains Lauric Acid and Capric Acid that acts as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent.

Compared with the contents of fat found in oil generally, Virgin Coconut Oil will not be metabolize and turned into cholesterol when it is in the body. This is due to the contents of MCFA that synergizes it into energy production. And because coconut oil actually produces energy, therefore it will not cause the increase of cholesterol in the body when it is consumed regularly.

Benefits of K-SAUDA VCO:

* Helps to boost our body's immune system
* Helps prevent pneumonia bacterial infection, throat inflammation and influenza
* Helps prevent parasite/fungal infection, eczema and diarrhea
* Helps reduce body weight and is ideal as supplement for diabetic patient
* Helps to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and arteriosclerosis
* Helps improve prostate and thyroid healing
* Helps keep the skin and hair healthy

K-O2BEST Detail


Oxygen is the most essential element to all living beings, be it human-beings, animals or plants. Without oxygen, we can only survive for a few minutes. Therefore, oxygen is very important to every one of us.

In this era of development, human-beings have been exposed to too many factors which can cause oxygen deficiency and eventually cause the body to become acidic and it is a major cause of diseases and infections.

The factors which lead to oxygen deficiency are namely environmental pollution, stress, radiations, poor eating habits, drugs, sleeplessness, lack of exercise and free radicals in the body.

K-O2BEST provides our cells with dissolved oxygen and nutrients and it can be known as the purest and most complete healthy food. It contains 78 minerals, 36 amino-acids and 50 types of enzymes, plus a huge amount of oxygen which helps us keep ourselves healthy.

Benefits of Oxygen :

* Helps to regenerate cells at a faster pace.
* Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism rate for the body and skin.
* Helps to clear away toxin in the body.
* Helps to delay aging.
* Helps to clear away remaining chlorine in water and kills bacteria.
* Helps to strengthen and enhances the immune system in the body.
* Helps to enhance memory and relieves headache.
* Helps to prevent cold.
* Tends to give positive responses on respiratory system diseases.
* Helps to prevent food from rotting in the digestive tract and prevent the spreading of inflammatory bacteria.

Helps to neutralize and decompose harmful metabolic products like uric acid, lactic acid, blood fat, carbon monoxide, heavy metal and other toxic chemicals.


K-Bamboo Salt

K-Bamboo Salt is made of natural sea salt found from rocks in the west coast of the Korean peninsular. It contains natural minerals from bamboo, pine trees, pine resins and yellow earth. It is filled into bamboo trunks aged over 3 years old and concealed with yellow earth, which are then burned using pine woods together with pine resins up to the temperature of above 1500ºC, up to 9 times to release the mineralized content in the salt. During the burning process of the bamboo salt, all types of toxins are neutralized and at the same time the process gathers, stabilizes and improves mineral such as potassium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, germanium and others in the salt to benefit the body. It is an energizing and alkalized natural health food that is different from natural salt.

K-Bamboo Salt is made by filling natural sea salt into bamboo trunks and concealing it with yellow earth and burn it for 9 times using pine woods and pine resins up to the temperature of above 1500ºC. This process will remove and eliminate heavy metal and harmful contents found in it, and absorbing beneficial minerals from the bamboo, pine woods, pine resins and yellow earth. Bamboo salt is proven to contain various types of minerals and micro elements which help in natural healing process.

Korea has started using bamboo salt since 1300 years ago and has been using it to combat various diseases continuously. In 1988, the manufacturing secrets of bamboo salt was commercialized and then onwards, widely used in numerous countries like Korea, Japan, United States and many other countries.

Ingredients & processes :

* Sea salt – Natural sea salt found from rocks in the west coast of the Korean peninsular that is high in mineral contents.
* Bamboo – Trunks of over 3-years old bamboo found in the southern mountains in Korea are used to fill in the sea salt.
* Yellow earth – Yellow earth found 20 meters deep in the earth is used to cover the bamboo trunks.
* Pine woods – Pine woods are used as fire wood to burn the bamboo salt.
* Pine resins – Pine resins are added during the burning process to increase the temperature of up to 1500ºC repeatedly for 9 times.
* Finally, fine bamboo salt is produced.

Benefits of K-Bamboo Salt

* to detoxify and kill bacteria
* to control the pH level of the body
* anti-oxidant and healing properties
* to provide nutrients to the body

K-BambooSalt 3 Burn
- Used as cooking ingredient

K-BambooSalt 9 Burn
- Consumed as health food
- Suggested to be consumed in 250 ml cold water or fruit juice.


K-Nitrilosides Seeds & Kernels

K- Nitrilosides Seeds & Kernels is a natural mix powder of nitrilosidic seeds and kernels in perfect combination for delivering a wider spectrum of natural goodness of phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins.

K- Nitrilosides Seeds & Kernels is a rich source of Vitamin B17, ALA and SDG, which are essential to the body. These elements help to suppress cancerous cells, nourish healthy cells with Vitamin B17 and boost up the immune system of the body.

* Rich source of Vitamin B17
* Rich in ALA (Omega-3 Fatty Acids ) and SDG (Secoisolariciresinol diglycoside) – Co-factor in cancer cells control
* Helps to kill cancer cell while nourishing healthy cells
* Helps to increase appetite
* Helps to stabilize blood pressure
* Helps to increase hemoglobin count
* Helps to sooth pain
* Helps to balance Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
* Natural & vegetarian

K- Nitrilosides Seeds & Kernels is a combination of grounded nitrilosidic seeds and kernels in powder form.

1. Bitter Apricot Kernel
- A good source of Vitamin B17 which helps to suppress cancerous cells.

2. Omega-3 Golden Flax
- Rich in fiber, lignans and ALA (Omega-3 fatty acids).

3. Black Sesame Seed
- Excellent antioxidant agent, which helps in delaying the aging process.

4. Sunflower Seed
- High in selenium and copper, which helps to prevent cellular damage. Also carries phytochemicals such as choline, lignan, phenolic acids and betaine as well as am


K-Phyto Omega 3

Flaxseed contains high nutritional and health benefits to the body and rich in ALA (Omega-3 Fatty Acid) and phytochemical lignan SDG (Secoisolariciresinol diglycoside). It is rich in fiber which helps to promote bowel regularities by scraping the colon clean. Golden flax also helps to generate optimum health benefits.

K- Phyto-Omega-3 is technically roasted and cold-milled to retain its nutrient status but destroying pathogens that are usually associated with raw materials, at the same time retaining its delicious nutty-buttery taste.

* Helps to protect the heart
* Helps to reduce breast and prostate cancers risks
* Helps To reduce Type 2 diabetes by 80%
* Helps in detoxification process by cleaning the colon
* A good antioxidant agent
* Helps to boost children’s IQ
* Helps to strengthen the immune system
* Improves vegetarian nutrition



Just A Few Drops, Health on the Top!

If you are having these problems, K-Uttervin may help you.

* Heart problems due to blockage in the blood flow.
* Diabetes.
* High blood pressure.
* High fat content.
* Blocked blood vessels in the organs of the body.
* Scabies on the head and body.
* Gangrene due to diabetes.
* Blood vessels emerging and bulging prominently after delivery.
* Cracked heels.
* Acnes.
* Poor sexual energy for men and women.
* No feelings from the knees to feet.
* Mouth ulcers.
* Uterine bleeding.
* Itchiness all over the body.
* Gout.
* Smelly urine.
* Piles.
* Migraine.
* Asthma.
* Sinus.
* Psoriasis.

K-Uttervin is a liquid solution made from the roots of mimosa pudica plants.

* Helps to reduce fatty acids content in the body.
* Helps to prevent high cholesterol.
* Helps to eliminate blockage in the blood vessels caused by high fat content.
* Helps to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes by reactivating the pancreas.
* Helps to overcome breathing problems.
* Helps to promote sexual energy.

K-LG-GOLD Detail


K-Ig-Gold contains numerous compounds and balanced organic nutrients which affect more than 50 processes in the body. It also supports the immune system and the regeneration and growth of all types of cells.

Over 4000 clinical studies have been published on the use of colostrums. Other than helping the body to restore compromised body immune systems, it has a great potential to aid the body in recovering from modern medical problems such as constipation, arthritis, asthma, sinusitis, tonsillitis, diabetes, high cholesterol and etc.

K-Ig-Gold also rich in DHA. DHA has been known for its role in the development of the brain and nervous system. DHA is also one of the most abundant fat to the formation of retina of the eye and maintain it’s regular peformance. Therefore, a decrease in Omega-3 fatty acid, especially DHA, may adversely affect the nervous system.

Health Benefits Of Colostrum

Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, proteins and antibodies. Besides this, the low amount of fat in colostrums is a blessing for the consumption of human babies as their digestion is extremely weak right after birth.

The presence of antibodies in the substance helps the babies to grow their power of immunity. Colostrum also acts as a mild laxative that encourages the smooth outlet of the baby’s first stool, which is known as Meconium that is high in Bilirubin thus preventing jaundice.


Colostrum plays an influential role in the development of a healthy immune system for your child. Several studies have shown that colostrums-fed children grow up to be physically stronger and healthier not just in the early years but throughout adulthood. In addition, it also reduces the chances of contracting gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Adults and elderly
Regular consumption of colostrum serves to restore and maximizes an adult’s immune system. It also provides relief and stabilizes an erratic metabolic rate when taken in times of heavy physical exertion and mental stress. The high carbohydrate content gives a boost to the energy level and thus, they are widely used by sportsperson.

Colostrum prevents diseases like arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease besides directly fighting against bacteria like chlamydeous thereby lowering LDL cholesterol level and thus, reducing the risks of heart attack. Thus, the health benefits of Colostrum are influential in maintaining our health all through life.


K-Lingzhi Gold

K-Lingzhi Gold helps to enhance your immune system, lower the cholesterol level in blood and amount of free fat in the body. It also helps to improve the functions of the kidneys and liver as well as lower our blood lipids. K-Lingzhi Gold is effective in stabilizing red cell membrane, improving our blood circulation and keeping our nerves calm. The Lingzhi are grown in a Green House Hygienic Environment which is chemical-free.

Enhances your immunity for an ideal & healthier lifestyle

* Enhances your immune system
* Lowers cholesterol in the blood and the amount of free fat
* Improves the kidney & liver function
* Lowers blood lipids
* Stabilizes red cell membrane
* Improves your blood circulation
* Calms your nerves